
Smartroom’s Top Sustainable Clothing Care Tips

Smartroom’s Top Sustainable Clothing Care Tips

With fast fashion causing around three-fifths of clothing to end up in landfills or incinerators within a year of being made, it’s essential to take steps to protect the planet while keeping our clothes in good condition for longer. Smartroom provides you with top tips for taking care of your clothes sustainably:

Wash clothes responsibly

Certain clothing items don’t need washing as much as we think they do. Jeans, jumpers, and jackets can be washed after 3-10 wears, depending on the material. Reducing the number of washes not only keeps garments in better condition but also saves energy. When it’s time for a wash, pay attention to care labels and use eco-mode on washing machines to reduce energy usage.

Air dry where possible

Machine dryers can cause wear and tear on clothing, with high heat harsh on fabric, causing shrinkage and colour fading. Use a drying rack or a clothesline outside to maximise that fresh washing scent. If using a machine dryer, avoid overstuffing to enable warm air to circulate through clothes as they tumble.

Retain clothing quality

Separate lights and darks, turn clothing inside out before washing, and store vintage items with care to avoid discolouring fabrics. Store your valuable clothing in Smartroom’s units, which offer a clean, damp-free environment to protect your treasured items.

Use non-toxic washing products

Eco-friendly laundry detergents made with natural ingredients break down faster and go back into the earth without polluting the environment. Natural ingredients are less likely to cause fading and are kinder to your clothes as they do not expose them to harsh chemicals.

Give clothes a second life

Repairing clothes extends their lifespan. Slight damages only require a simple thread and needle to mend, and personal touches can be added to refresh your current wardrobe. Consider selling or donating clothes in good condition to give them a new lease of life.

Taking care of your clothes sustainably not only benefits the planet but also helps keep your clothes in better condition for longer. Trust Smartroom to provide the best storage solutions for your valuable clothing items.

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